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At Words with Hope, we value the importance of structured therapy in the client's comfortable and familiar environment either through in-home services or through teletherapy.

Our Services: Our Services
Image by Jerry Wang

Receptive and Expressive Language Therapy

Language therapy targets receptive and expressive language abilities.
Receptive language is our ability to understand language. Treatment aims to increase the ability to process and comprehend verbal language. 
Expressive language is our ability to use language either spoken, aided, or gestural. Treatment aims to increase the client's ability to communicate in all different forms.

Children Reading the Holy Bible

Phonological Awareness

Phonological awareness is a fundamental set of skills for reading. It is the understanding of how words are made up of individual sounds and how the sounds can be manipulated and changed to make different words. 
Phonological awareness therapy targets skills that include rhyming, alliteration, segmenting words into smaller units, combining separate sounds into words, and understanding that words are made up of sounds represented by written letters.

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Articulation and Phonological Therapy

Articulation therapy targets accurate productions of speech sounds in regards to different placement or movement of the articulators. 
Phonological therapy targets accurate production of speech sounds in regards to the phonological processes the client demonstrates.
Treatment will include a variety of cueing including verbal, visual, and tactile to enhance clear speech production.

Teacher and Young Student

Fluency Therapy

Fluency therapy aims to target stuttering and cluttering disorders. 
Stuttering therapy follows two approaches of decreasing stuttering moments as well as targeting any present anxiety and negative associations and emotions behind the disfluencies.
Cluttering therapy aims to increase self-awareness and decrease rate of speech.
Fluency therapy can help the client increase their fluency and become a more confident speaker. Family therapy is encouraged to improve carryover strategies and increase support and confidence.

Teacher with Pupils

Social and Pragmatic Therapy

Neurodiverse-affirming social and pragmatic therapy targets difficulty with social skills that have a self-perceived negative impact on the client's quality of life. Therapy focuses on understanding nonverbal body language, conversational strategies, self-advocacy, and perspective taking. Social and pragmatic therapy can be targeted in a 1:1 setting or in a group setting with age-related peers. In this approach, we do not aim to change the child. Instead, we listen to their needs and desires and build on their skills.

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